External Student Grants and Scholarships

Below is a list of scholarships, fellowships, and grants for undergraduate and graduate students. Student interested in applying for funding and wanting assistance, may contact the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship at research@fatemeeting.com. For a list of grant-writing resources, click here

Grants have been placed in the following categories: 






If you are aware of other external grants/scholarships that we should consider posting, please email us the relevant links to the funding opportunity at research@fatemeeting.com.

Dissertation Grants


American Education Research Association Dissertation Grant      

  • Invites education-related dissertation proposals using NCES, NSF, and other federal databases. Dissertation Grants are available for advanced doctoral students and are intended to support the student while writing the doctoral dissertation.
  • Applications are encouraged from a variety of disciplines, such as but not limited to, education, sociology, economics, psychology, demography, statistics, and psychometrics.
  • Deadlines: January or September. 

American Education Research Association Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program in Education Research

  •  Targets members of racial and ethnic groups historically underrepresented in higher education (e.g., African Americans, Alaskan Natives, American Indians, Asian Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders).
  • Supports for doctoral dissertation research, to advance education research by outstanding minority graduate students, and to enhance these students competitiveness for academic appointments at major research universities.
  • Provides mentoring, capacity building activities, and guidance toward the completion of their doctoral studies. 
  • Deadline: November 16, 2020.

AHRQ Grants for Health Services Research Dissertation Program

  • U.S. citizens, non-citizen nationals, or permanent residents by the time of the grant award.
  • Full-time academic students in good standing, who are enrolled in an accredited research doctoral program in such fields as behavioral sciences, health services research, nursing, social sciences, epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy, health informatics, engineering, and mathematics.
  • Up to $40,000 in direct costs.
  • Application receipt dates are February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1, annually.

Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

  • Original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner.
  • 21 Fellowships of $27,500 for  12 months.
  • Deadline: November 16, 2020.

Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowships (Minority+)

  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, and U.S. permanent residents who  completed all departmental and institutional requirements for their degree, except for writing and defense of the dissertation, by the application deadline.
  • Individuals with evidence of superior academic achievement (such as grade point average, class rank, honors, or other designations);
    Individuals committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S.;
  • One-year stipend: $28,000.
  • Membership in one or more of the following groups whose underrepresentation in the American professoriate has been severe and longstanding: (a) Alaska Natives (Aleut, Eskimo, or other Indigenous People of Alaska), (b) Black/African Americans, (c) Mexican Americans/Chicanas/Chicanos, (d) Native American Indians, (e) Native Pacific Islanders (Hawaiian/Polynesian/Micronesian), or (f) Puerto Ricans.
  • Deadline January 7, 2021.

Forum for Theological Education (FTE) Doctoral Fellowships for Students of Color (Minority)

  • Fellowships to sustain current Ph.D. and Th.D. students of African, Latino/a, Asian or First Nations descent, through graduate school and into a vocation of teaching and scholarship. 
  • Full time in an accredited Ph.D. or Th.D. program in religious, theological or biblical studies.
  • Must be past coursework but not yet at candidacy (ABD) are eligible to apply
  • Deadline: is February 1.

Jennings Randolph Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowship Program 

  • Awards non-residential fellowships to students enrolled in U.S. universities who are writing doctoral dissertations on topics broadly related to conflict management, peacebuilding and relevant security studies.

Kurt Weill Foundation Grant

  • Graduate student to assist in research activities on Weill, Lenya and/or Blitzstein-related topics. 
  • Deadline November 1.

Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship

  • Supports one  year of research and writing to help advanced graduate students in the humanities and related social sciences in the last year of PhD dissertation writing.
  • $35,000 Stipent, plus funds for research costs of up to $3,000 and for university fees of up to $5,000.
  •  Beginning summer 2021.
  • Deadline: October 28, 2020.

Mellon Fellowship For Dissertation Research in Original Sources

  • Junior scholars in the humanities and related social sciences gain skill and creativity in developing knowledge from original sources.
  • Enables dissertation writers to do research wherever relevant sources may be, rather than just where financial support is available;
  • Encourages more extensive and innovative uses of original sources in libraries, archives, museums, historical societies, and related repositories in the U.S. and abroad.

National Academy of Education & Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program

  • $27,500 fellowships support individuals whose dissertations show potential for bringing fresh and constructive perspectives to the history, theory, analysis, or practice of formal or informal education anywhere in the world.

Phi Kappa Phi 

  • All active (dues current) Phi Kappa Phi members or those who have accepted membership 
  • Grants 10 Dissertation Fellowships of $10,000 each to active members who are doctoral candidates and are completing dissertations.
  • 12 months of writing stage for a doctoral study.
  • Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Health Sciences


  • US citizens accepted in a graduate-level program that is accredited by the appropriate therapy profession authority in physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, or hearing audiology.
  • Awards are based on financial need, commitment to local community, character for compassion and integrity, and career objectives.
  • Annual awards of $500-$6,000.
  • Deadline: May 5, 2020.


Daughters of the American Revolution (Scholarships for Nursing and Physical Therapy Students)

  • Multiple scholarship ranging from $2,000 - $5,000

Foundation for Physical Therapy

  • Doctoral Opportunities for Clinicians and Scholars (DOCS) Program, are to fund post-professional doctoral students.
  • $7, 500 In support of the coursework phase of post-professional doctoral studies.
  • $15,000 in support of the post-candidacy phase of post-professional doctoral studies. 
  • $115,000 in support of the final year of the post-candidacy phase + the first two years of the research fellowship.
  • Deadline:  January 6, 2021. 

Johnson & Johnson Innovate Quickfire Challenge

  • Areas of Interest: New treatment protocols, New health technologies, New medical devices, New treatment approaches, New consumer products, New community health approaches, and New screening tools.
  • Deadline: September 29th.

Shape America (Scholarships for Physical Education, Physical Activity, and Public Health students)

  • $2,000 to graduate students or early career professionals (>4 years of graduation).
  • Members of SHAPE America.
  • Deadline: December 11, 2020.


Amy Foundation Writing Awards

  • Designed to recognize creative, skillful writing that applies in a sensitive, thought-provoking manner the biblical principles to issues affecting the world today, with an emphasis on discipling. 
  • submitted articles must be published in a secular, non-religious publication (either printed or online) and must be reinforced with at least one passage of scripture.
  • First prize is $10,000 with a total of $34,000 given annually to the authors of the 15 award-winning articles.

Dr. Aura-Lee A. and James Hobbs Pittenger American History Scholarship

  • Graduating high school students who will pursue an undergraduate degree with a concentrated study of a minimum of 24 credit hours in American History and American Government.
  • Maintain of a GPA of 3.25.
  • $2,000 for up to 4 years.

Enid Hall Griswold Memorial Scholarship

  • College juniors or seniors enrolled in an accredited college or university in the United States who is pursuing a major in political science, history, government, or economics.
  • $5,000 Scholarship.

Lucinda Beneventi Findley History Scholarship

  • Graduating high school seniors that have demonstrated advance interest in history and are planning to major in or pursue the study of history in a full-time accredited college or university in the United States.
  • GPA of 3.25

Michael T. and Mary L. Cloyd Scholarship

  • For study in the field of Archives Management with a preference in American History.
  • $3,000 to two students with a minimum of 3.0 average for the 3rd year 



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Calihan Academic Fellowship


  • Awards are open to seminarians or graduate students in theology, philosophy, religion, economics, or in related fields.
  • Candidates must have a demonstrated interest in the themes of the Acton Institute.
  • Candidates must display the potential to advance the themes of the Acton Institute.

Oct 15

North American Division Ministerial Scholarship


  • No description available

The Fund for Theological Education


  • 2016 Program requirements not yet posted


Grant Specific


Word & World Essay Competition


  • Students must be enrolled in accredited Ph.D. or Th.D. programs in theology or religious studies
  • Essay should be devoted to topics that promote "theology for Christian ministry"

Nov 1




Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Calihan Academic Fellowship


  • Fellowship only applies to those studying theology, philosophy, economics or related fields who demonstrate the potential to advance understanding in the relationship between theology and the principles of the free and virtuous society (human dignity, religious liberty, etc)
  • Fellowship is open to seminarians or graduate students in theology, philosophy, religion, economics, or related fields

Oct 15

Calihan Travel Grant


  • Provides financial assistance to students who have been selected to present research relevant to themes promoted by the Acton Institute at an academic conference
  • Grants are open to seminarians or graduate students in theology, philosophy, religion, economics, or related fields

On-going. Six weeks prior to travel date.

Fulbright Student Program Grants


  • Must have B.A. degree or equivalent prior to start of grant


Oct 13


Issachar Fund Initiative


  • The fund currently supports research in the following fields of enquiry: creation and the world of science; medical care and human dignity; human flourishing in a technological world; creation care

Contact info@issacharfund.org

Phi Kappa Phi Awards


  • Website provides a list of various awards, grants, and fellowships


Grant specific


The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation


  • Website provides a list of various awards, grants, and fellowships



Grant specific





Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Fellowship for Minority Students


  • The fellowship is offered triannually by the Aspen Institute Program for Philanthropy and Social Innovation in Washington D.C and is open to both undergraduate and graduate students of color



Social Sciences


Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

ASOR Heritage Excavation Grants


  • Applicants must be members of ASOR or be enrolled as students at an ASOR-member school
  • Grant provides funding for participation in an excavation project


Biblical Archaeology Society Scholarship


  • Scholarship given to people who would otherwise not be able to volunteer on a dig


Graduate Student Paper Award


  • Eligible students are predoctoral students in any discipline related to archaeology who have had a paper accepted by the Archaeological Institute of America Program for the Annual Meeting Committee

Dec 1

Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship


  • Open to junior and senior undergraduate students and first year graduate students, preferably those who are majoring in archaeology or a related discipline
  • Applicants must not have previously participated in archaeological field work of any kind

March 1

Mediterranean Regional Research Fellowship Program


  • The grant is for pre and early post-doctoral scholars doing research in the humanities and social sciences in countries bordering the Mediterranean and served by American overseas research centers



Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program


  • The Council of American Overseas Research Centers supports advanced regional or trans-regional research in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences for US doctoral candidates or scholars who have already earned their PhD


Olivia James Traveling Fellowship


  • Funds travel and study in Greece, Cyprus, the Aegean islands, Sicily, southern Italy, Asia Minor, or Mesopotamia


Nov 1


Oriental Institute Collections Research Grant


  • Funding for graduate students and well-established professionals to carry out research projects that incorporate the study of artifacts and related archival documents within the Institute's museum collections
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens


  • ACSA has a number of Fellowships and Grants available for both students and senior scholars

Grant specific


The Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research


  • Grant up to $5,000
  • Grant fund travel for doctoral research involving field studies

Application: Feb 1

Letters of Support: Jan 29


Behavioral Sciences

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Qualtrics Behavioral Research Grants


  • Must be a student researcher working with a faculty advisor and using Qualtrics as your primary method of data collection
Applications are reviewed and approved every month


Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline



  • Offer internships for Fall, Spring, and Summer

Phi Delta Theta Educational Foundation: Francis D. Lyon Scholarship


  • Awards up to two $3,000 scholarships to assist students of film making or other related fields (writing. speech, theater/drama, communications, photography, entertainment)
  • Available to individuals who are not Phi Delta Theta members

March 15



Radio Television Digital News Foundation


  • Scholarships are open to undergraduate students pursuing careers in radio, television, or digital journalism
  • Applicants must be officially enrolled, full-time sophomores, juniors or seniors in good standing when scholarships are awarded 

Community and International Development

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

P3: People, Prosperity and the Planet Student Design Competition for Sustainability


Fact Sheet

  • Seek applications proposing to research, develop, and design solution to real world challenges 
  • Funds undergraduate/graduate research teams




Transformation Initiative Research Grant


  • Purpose of grant is to fill data and information gaps, and to begin to develop and evaluate policy alternatives that communities can adopt to facilitate decision making about various community investments

Contact regional office



Political Sciences

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Hayek Fund for Scholars


Application Instructions

  • Funding is given to academics pursuing liberty-advancing careers and educational initiatives that go beyond standard curricula
  • Funding may be used to cover travel, application fees, conference fees, etc. 


4 weeks in advance of your activity



- - -

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Amgen Scholars Program


  • Program includes research projects along with seminars, workshops, and networking events
  • Sophmores, juniors, and non-graduating seniors are eligible to apply
  • Must have cumulative GPA of at least 3.2/4.0
Feb 15
American Society for Engineering Education SMART Scholarship


  • The SMART scholarship program promotes the education, recruitment and retention of undergrad and grad students in STEM


The Entomological Foundation


  • Graduate and Undergraduate students of entomology or a related discipline
  • Scholarships given to students who have needs based on physical limitations or economic, minority, or environmental conditions

Nominations due July 1

The Explorers Club


  • Grants given to undergraduates conducting individual scientific or exploration research projects


Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program


  • The NREIP provides an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in research at a Department of Navy laboratory during the summer


The Optical Society


  • Website provides a list of various awards, grants, and fellowships


Grant specific


Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)


Search for an REU
  • The National Science Foundation funds research opportunities for undergraduate students through REU sites where students participate in research programs at a host institution

Deadline specific to each REU


Sigma Xi : Grants-in-Aid of Research Program


  • Program promotes scientific excellence and achievement through hands-on learning
  • Funding given to undergraduate and graduate students

March 15, Oct 15



  • Must be a continuing undergraduate student and eligible for fall term registration
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5/4.0
  • Program is 10 weeks long and introduces students to research under the guidance of seasoned researches at Caltech and JPL
Feb 22



  • Must be a continuing undergraduate student
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5/4.0
  • Must have taken at least one full year course in undergraduate physics
  • Research projects cover many areas of science and engineering related to the detection of gravitational radiation
Feb 4



  • Must be a continuing undergraduate student
  • Students must have a G.P.A. of 3.0/4.0 or better (recommended), and are considering pursuing a graduate degree (M.S. or Ph.D.).
  • Students with physics, material science, chemistry, applied mathematics, computer science, or engineering majors are always encouraged to apply. There may be research opportunities for students with other majors.
  • Two locations: Boulder (CO) and Gaithersburg (MD)
Feb 12

VentureWell: BMEidea


  • Competition for up to $10,000 for effective, functional and affordable technology solutions to clinical medical problems
  • Open to graduate and undergraduate students

VentureWell: E-Team Student Grant


  • Three-stage funding provides grant funding, experiential workshops, veteran coaching, and a potential investment opportunity
Oct 7

WAVE Fellows Program


  • Fellows must be current sophomores, juniors, or non-graduating seniors
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2/4.0
  • Fellows will participate in research experience as well as a graduate school preparation series, seminars, and networking events
Jan 7






Summer Research Opportunities

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Boston University Research Undergraduate Research Opportunities List


  • Boston University provides a list of summer opportunities by location or by topic

Deadline specific to each Research Program